Minnesota Leadership Center

Character | Culture | Competence

Author : Ben Millard

A look at my web design workflow

Auctor varius interdum quam pellentesque nam duis etiam neque, mauris malesuada tincidunt primis augue montes faucibus, posuere porttitor libero ullamcorper ante aenean aliquam. Torquent nisl auctor cras varius nam faucibus posuere nec, habitasse mollis congue vel primis risus pharetra, semper lobortis dis fringilla massa integer leo. Etiam quis hendrerit ad risus dui faucibus dictum quam […]

Artificial intelligence driven design

Auctor varius interdum quam pellentesque nam duis etiam neque, mauris malesuada tincidunt primis augue montes faucibus, posuere porttitor libero ullamcorper ante aenean aliquam. Torquent nisl auctor cras varius nam faucibus posuere nec, habitasse mollis congue vel primis risus pharetra, semper lobortis dis fringilla massa integer leo. Etiam quis hendrerit ad risus dui faucibus dictum quam […]

Top 10 design tools

Auctor varius interdum quam pellentesque nam duis etiam neque, mauris malesuada tincidunt primis augue montes faucibus, posuere porttitor libero ullamcorper ante aenean aliquam. Torquent nisl auctor cras varius nam faucibus posuere nec, habitasse mollis congue vel primis risus pharetra, semper lobortis dis fringilla massa integer leo. Etiam quis hendrerit ad risus dui faucibus dictum quam […]

Beating procrastination as a freelancer

Auctor varius interdum quam pellentesque nam duis etiam neque, mauris malesuada tincidunt primis augue montes faucibus, posuere porttitor libero ullamcorper ante aenean aliquam. Torquent nisl auctor cras varius nam faucibus posuere nec, habitasse mollis congue vel primis risus pharetra, semper lobortis dis fringilla massa integer leo. Etiam quis hendrerit ad risus dui faucibus dictum quam […]

5 Things Powerful People Have in Common

How do you know when you are around someone powerful?  Definitions vary, but they tend to have a few things in common.  Powerful people accomplish more than others during their day.  They are sought after by others as mentors.  These people are often quoted, interviewed, and talked about.  I’m sure you have other things that […]

Never Settle for Good Enough

I’m constantly seeking out new learning to take my leadership and development teaching to a higher level.  Don’t get me wrong.  I get pretty good feedback about my masterminds.  The participants who are in them consistently rank their quality as high, and they mention how much they’ve learned and grown through them.  I’m not saying […]

Significance is an Inside Job

As a coach, I often find myself in conversations about how to actually create growth that lasts.  In the last week alone I’ve had this conversation about half a dozen times.  Sometimes the conversation gets serious (beyond the “I’d like a better life, but I don’t really want to get down and dirty and do […]

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