Minnesota Leadership Center

Character | Culture | Competence


Mission, Vision, Values Creation

Company Culture Retreat

Whether you’ve never formalized your Mission, Vision, and Values or if it’s time for an update to better reflect your company’s culture, we work with you and your top leaders to create statements that are more than just buzz words.

Long Term Planning and Vision Casting

Strategic Planning Retreat

It’s often been said that if you don’t know where you’re sailing to, then no wind is favorable. Many companies make the mistake of jumping from having a mission and vision to getting busy with doing things that seem to point in that direction. We help you create a cohesive plan that gets all parts of your company working in unison to advance confidently towards your vision.

Yearly Business Planning

Strategic Planning Retreat

One of the biggest challenges with staying on-target with your long-term plan is the urgency and busy-ness of daily activity. We help keep you and your team focused on your goals with annual goal mapping.

Leadership Summits

Leadership Retreats and Conferences

The quality of your company’s leadership determines the quality of everything. As John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” We help your leaders develop consistently high levels of leadership and create strong bonds between themselves. The result is lower drama, higher synergy, and better company culture.

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